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An ancient Greek atheist philosopher. Founded Epicureanism, one of the most popular schools of Hellenistic Philosophy.

"God either wants to eliminate bad things and cannot, or can but does not want to, or neither wishes to nor can, or both wants to and can. If he wants to and cannot, he is weak -- and this does not apply to god. If he can but does not want to, then he is spiteful -- which is equally foreign to god's nature. If he neither wants to nor can, he is both weak and spiteful and so not a god. If he wants to and can, which is the only thing fitting for a god, where then do bad things come from? Or why does he not eliminate them?"--Epicurus

by Longevus April 20, 2006

57👍 6👎


A form of middle aged shrew.
At a certain point in the life of a shrew it will begin to harbour a deep resentment for all things human and/or feline. At this moment a transformation will occur, the shrew will grow wings and become an Epicurean being.

Epicurus likes to wear womens underwear.

by Bovine Fool #12393 September 29, 2003

9👍 37👎