Also known as the OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon. This was a Gundam piloted by Heero Yuy and Zechs Merquise. This was also a highly respected rival to Wing Zero. The most Bad-Ass Gundam in all of the series.
Epyon OZ-13MS
179👍 25👎
An era in time where death and immorality flourishes.
Known among Neo-Gothiques as the seductress of lust & manipulation.
Jock: I feel used, the only girl I ever loved has sold me out for some loser.
Goth: Epyon has graced us with her tears today.
33👍 25👎
A measurment of time that is consumed with pain and death.
The dinosaur age was a long epyon.
52👍 45👎