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The act of devastatingly rough sex to a female/male partner, or Oniony Goddess with the intent of damaging their sex organ/anus with the male penis, causing the maximum pain and sexual pleasure imaginable. Eshrekulate reaches farther lengths than ravish and destroy. The after affects are quite risky, these include early menstruation, rectal bleeding, loss of memory, hypnotism, temporary paralysis to the legs, and more.


1.Will you eshrekulate my pussy?
2. May I eshrekulate your pussy?
3. I don't feel so good after that eshrekulation session.
4. They were making so much noise, I thought they were eshrekulating!
5. Damn, boy! You stretched me good after you eshrekulated me! I almost died!

by TheAngriestGio October 8, 2016