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evo firecracker

a very no-skilled card in the hit game clash royale made by the despicaple supercell, mostly used by 500lb men who spam her and evo knight at the bridge, if you use her, kys.

person1: hehehaw im gonna spam evo firecracker and megaknight at bridge.
person2: oh your coming out of the closest?

by February 28, 2024

evo firecracker

evo firecracker is a card in the greedycells game cash royale, it take entirrely 0 skill to use and is probably used by a 500lb man who thinks they need to buff megaknight, p2w's the game and loves giving clash paypal money

person1: hello im gonna spam megaknight and evo firecracker at the bidge
person2: thanks for coming out of the closet

by February 28, 2024