How your pokemon change at certain levels!
"My Charamander got to level 16 and evolved into Charmeleon!"
"That's evolution"
602๐ 94๐
When evolve is too simple minded of a word so people of a higher consciousness and those of a higher intellect use Evolute.
XXXTENTACION : You evolute in mind, you evolute as far as your age, you evolute physically .. mentally. If you are evoluting physically and you are not evoluting mentally, you are not doing the right thing.
246๐ 50๐
A scientific Theory (a Theory in science being the closest to certianty possible, wihile remaining scientific) That does NOT in ANY way:
speculate on the origin of life on earth or otherwise (see biogenisis)
speculate on the origin of the universe
speculate on anyting but the prosess of genetic change in a population
state that any instantant transformations from one spicies to another has ever occured
state that humans cam from monkeys (it does however state that we share a common ansestor see Ape)
detail how a geneome could change in a single generation (evolution happens over multiple generations)
state that humans are in any way above or below any other form of life
state that as spicies evolve, they become bigger, 'better' or stronger, only more adapted.
state that there is no God
state that I hate most of the other, misinformed definitions (although this is true)
affiliate its self with the opening of penut butter jars or puddels being struck by lightning.
affiliate it'self with nonbiological or non-self replicating matter such as boeing 747s and scrap
allow its self to be defined by the majority of the definitions on the first few pages
hate you (but I might)
comment any anyting remotly metaphysical like the soul
That just about ruels most of the top rated definitions, and that is my point, find out what evolution is before considering yourself in a position to define it. On the subject of irriducable complexity. here's a laman's guide to the evolution of the eye:
An organism developes a cell/cluster of cells sensitive to light through a random mutation, this allows the organism to distinguish between being in light and dark, giving it a few obviouse advantages over it's competing organisms.
This then developes into a line of cells, giving the population the advantage of detecting the direction this light is coming from.
The line then becomes gradually more concave as the spicies developes, giving it more and more sense of directon of the light.
the cells then concave to the point of being a ball with a 'biological appature' allowing the spicies to eventually see basic images.
the cells then evolve to detect different wavelenghts of light (colour) ect. ect.
Doesn't Evolution say we call come from monkeys?
Doesnt Evolution say that all the dirt in the universe was condensed into a region smaller than a period at the end of this sentence?
Absolutly fucking not!!! EVER!!!!!
400๐ 137๐
A scientific theory that all life on earth descended from a common ancestor. Evolution has been repeatedly proven and observed time and time again, yet most of the morons writing definitions for Evolution on choose to ignore that.
Average Creotard/Mentally retarded redneck: Evolution b'aint be reel cuz dat der bibl tingy be sayin' su!
1600๐ 612๐
A nightclub in Bristol where post-townie single mums and office girls congregate to consume vast quantities of alcohol as preparation for the next days paid sick leave. Often used as an alternative to a social life when one is unavailable.
"I can't come in today, I'm not feeling very well."
406๐ 158๐
A WWE faction composed of Triple H, Randy Orton(Formally), Batista, and Ric Flair
see and click on raw superstars
327๐ 183๐