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extra chromosome

What makes a Down's Syndrome person how they are.

Timmy has an extra chromosome, that's why he goes to special school.

by Ray Flynn May 11, 2005

61👍 6👎

Extra chromosome weed

weed so strong that once inhaled you feel the retarded effect that an extra chromosome has on the brain. In many cases this cannabis can and will make you shit your pants without any warnings. Dumbed down this weed is described as the bees knees if the bees knees were 10 piece mcnuggets straight from God's lotion sack.

Woah bro (random grunt noise) this Extra chromosome weed got me absolutely zoinked.

by master doodoo poo April 2, 2019

mr extra chromosome


person one: have you heard of mr extra chromosome?
person two: velvet? yeah.
person three: hey!! dont be transphobic!!!!!!!!!! its a she

by computercathater13 February 10, 2022