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Extraphysical Level Theory

Extraphysical Level Theory if a framework theory inside extraphysical mechanics that uses ideas and mathematics for advocates that there are actually N levels (dimensions / worlds) inside extraphysical mechanics, starting with the material level, that could be the level 0 or level 1 and going into the level n. But, there is a point on those n levels that they simply start to make no difference and simply start to become a stabilized void, this start level is called "divine level" and the void it is called "divine void", where it simply keeps expanding but the difference (variable) among the levels is zero or almost zero.

"I am studying about extraphysical level theory, and it is a completely crazy theory, even more crazier than string theory and superquantum mechanics, but it makes a bit sense if you look into its maths."

"Extraphysical Level Theory actually shows the possibility of existence of spiritual worlds and of heavens, but also, we cannot forget there is also Negative Extraphysical Level Theroy that it deals with -n levels below the 0 level (the material level), creating the negative divine level and the negative divine void."

"Extraphysical Level Theory is a mindblowing for me such as the whole Extraphysical Mechanics thing."

by Full Monteirism January 2, 2021