Source Code




1. Father

Hey, faj - can I get a ride to school?

by LennonsMom February 1, 2019


A word you call somebody who pisses you off or is very annoying. Very similar to -fag- but is more "appropriate" when out in public. A faj is someone who can't take a joke, is annoying, whines all the time, and pretty much anything you want it to be. Faj can be used in place of words that you may forget how to pronounce and is a fun word to joke around with. You can use faj however you like. Everything is faj. The world revolves around the word faj.

Guy 1: "What'd you do last night?"
Guy 2: "Oh nothing much, just went with some faj to a movie."

Girl 1: "Did you see Anthony? I heard he's a furry."
Girl 2: "Wow, what a faj. I bet he let's his dog lick peanut butter off his d***."

Girl 1: "Dear god! What is that smell!?"
Girl 2: "I think it's that girls fishy faj!"
Girl 1: "Someone should teach her some proper hygine."

Person 1: "What the faj."
Person 2: "You're a faj."
Person 3: "Shut up, Faj's."

You can Faj.
You can BE a faj.
You can GO faj-jng.
You can smell like faj.
You can taste faj.
You can LOOK like a faj.
You can faj off.
You can do anything with faj.

by TheOfficialFaj June 18, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A female Homosexual or Woman Fag

Wow Elise is such a Faj

by Jewbixcube October 27, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Womans vagina

'can i eat your faj'
'show us your faj'

by Annie and Ed October 17, 2003

26๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž


A word you call somebody who pisses you off or is very annoying. Very similar to -fag- but is more "appropriate" when out in public. A faj is someone who can't take a joke, is annoying, whines all the time, and pretty much anything you want it to be. Faj can be used in place of words that you may forget how to pronounce and is a fun word to joke around with. You can use faj however you like. Everything is faj. The world revolves around the word faj.

Guy 1: "What'd you do last night?"
Guy 2: "Oh nothing much, just went with some faj to a movie."

Girl 1: "Did you see Anthony? I heard he's a furry."
Girl 2: "Wow, what a faj. I bet he let's his dog lick peanut butter off his d***."

Girl 1: "Dear god! What is that smell!?"
Girl 2: "I think it's that girls fishy faj!"
Girl 1: "Someone should teach her some proper hygine."

Person 1: "What the faj."
Person 2: "You're a faj."
Person 3: "Shut up, Faj's."

You can Faj.
You can BE a faj.
You can GO faj-jng.
You can smell like faj.
You can taste faj.
You can LOOK like a faj.
You can faj off.
You can do anything with faj.

by TheOfficialFaj June 18, 2016


aussie slang for vagina

"i stuck it in her faj"

by j-j November 12, 2003

73๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž


a fat vaj.

He stuck his choad in her faj

by nick kirschner July 11, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž