The act of "tweeting" by using your facebook wall instead of a Twitter account.
If you want to know what she is up to, just look at her wall on Facebook. She is a Face-Tweeter.
When your stuck on your social media for hours and frozen in time. Not even hearing or seeing anything around you.
How was your date? Idk... she was. instatweetfaced the whole time!
When one uses facebook as a twitter like apparatus to express random shit.
Face tweeter: "I just ate some soup lol"
Guy: "Couldn't you have just used your twitter account for that?"
Face tweeter: "Oh, sorry. I must have been face tweeting again."
The posting of mundane information that is better suited to twitter
FB Post: I just had a ham sandwich for lunch
Comment: Dude, don't face-tweet me that boring shit!