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facebook gold

the ultimate facebook profile picture. happens when someone looks extremely attractive and is doing something funny simultaneously.

a very rare occurrence.

"wow, tyler looks super hot in his new profile pic, where he's trying to make out with that garden gnome. totally facebook gold."

by greylock May 9, 2007

47👍 74👎

facebook gold trick

when a person labels someone in a blank photo on facebook with a sexy caption then writes in the description that you need facebook gold account to see it. this leads everyone on a quest to find something that does not exists

Bob: Jim taged megan fox and lisa lipps in this picture but I can't see it because I don't have facebook gold!

Sam: lets search facebook and find it!

3 hours later

Jim: I just did the facebook gold trick on you two!

by Jacksonfish February 21, 2010

6👍 6👎