A tightly nit group of homosexuals that have both relational and casual sex with one another.
"Hey man, look at that fagwagon on over there"
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Pronunciation: \ˈ'fag-ˌwa-gən\
Function: noun
Usage: often attributive, hybrid form of bandwagon
Date: 2014
1 : A member of the LGBT community who suddenly claims they are a "fan" of a particular sports team, even though they had no prior support for/interest in the team until a member of the team "comes out of the closet" as an openly gay member of the LGBT community
Example: "Julian became a fagwagon fan of the Brooklyn Nets only after Jason Collins became the first openly gay player in NBA."
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A tightly knit group of homosexual Jeep owners that have both relational and casual sex with one another.
Yo! Look at that FagWagon headed to Jeep Beach. Is that Joe D. in the lead?!
A homosexual male that is very promiscuous and prefers the doggie position.
Yo, dat crunk fagwagon Shagged my shizzle to the nizzle.
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A highly offensive nickname for American band REO Speedwagon. They are referred to by this because lead vocalist Kevin Cronin's high voice makes him "Gay."
Person 1: What's Up, have you heard that new Fagwagon song on the radio?