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Damian Stevens the faggot

Fagens is a piece of shit

by ReflexExpress November 6, 2022

Fagen Wagon

A car that sparkles, brimming with homosexuality.

A car driven by a poof

A car that is not driven by a straight man

A car you would not drive to church

A car you wouldn't drive to your parents house in the deep south

A car you drive in San Francisco

A car you let your gay friend design, and therefore, making you gay, or at least making you look really gay

Hey look! That car is pretty gay looking, must be a Fagen Wagon.

by Del Mysterio en lago January 14, 2012

Blake Fagen

A big nosed Jew who has a very stubby penis.

Your being such a Blake Fagen

by Dicklover999 March 6, 2019

Mia Fagen

A bitch who doesn't know how to shut up

and tries to break your ukulele that you got as a gift

"Mia fagen is such a bitch"

by Camio_bro November 11, 2019