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fake asian

A term referring to Filipinos and tribes of Asia such as Mien, Hmong, Khmu, etc. The reason being is because they identify with no country and Filipinos can't agree whether they're Asian or Pacific Islander.

Tom: Man that fool hella fake Asian.
Jerry: Yeah! He can't decide if he's Asian or Pacific Islander!

by Tree50 September 12, 2007

113πŸ‘ 87πŸ‘Ž

fake asian

1)An asian person who is brought up in Western culture at birth and has no root connections with his/her cultural language, attire, and dislikes oriental foods.

2) An asian person who lacks intellectual skills in math and sciences (and other skills) compared to the average asian.

3) A person who is of asian background but his/her appearances changes from time to time and/or can be manipulated by wearing African American/ Gino/Gina Italia clothing confusing others.

4) Usually an asian person found hanging around with people or places of other cultures than an asian group of "fobs" listening and speaking in asian language(s) i.e. Cantonese.

5) A person who is only partly asian.


1) person A: Yo that asian girl's soo white washed.
person B: I know man...she doesn't even have that Chinese-English accent..plus she's never brought rice for lunch...in fact i doubt she eats rice at all...

2) Gram: Yo Tom how do I calculate the moles of barium sulfate?
Tom: man, that's the WORST question you could ask me.
Mark: OH menng...don't ask him that, its got math and chem in it...he's such a fake asian, you need like Steve Lee to do that.
Tom: w/e man, I'm more asian than you'll ever will be.
Mark: oh.

3) Ben: Yo check out that asian!
Mike: I dunno man, she looks half aise...maybe her dad's Italian or something...plus she's wearing all that Puma.

4) Tian: Yo Huan let's go to Pmall today at the arcade for some DDR.
Huan: nah man, sry..Pmall's not my style...I'm gonna go ill with the others, prolly goin to EC downtown. Plus I like In The Groove better.

5) Hi, my name is Ryushi LaPointe.

by Motta March 7, 2007

45πŸ‘ 108πŸ‘Ž

fake asian

an asian who isn’t very smart in math or is super tall (bypasses the asian stereotype)

eww look at amee!! she’s 5’7, what a fake asian!

by mrs mendes December 21, 2020

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

fake Asian

Someone who looks completely Asian but has no tie to their respective Asian country. They do not have an Asian accent, speak their own language, and did not even grow up there.

"Dude there was this new Asian kid, so I started talking to him real slow so he'd understand. Then afterward he just looked at me and said he's American. What a fake Asian"

by NikolaiSRB December 13, 2009

54πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž

Fake Asian

Someone who has one caucasian parent and another parent of Asian descent.

E.g. Natalie Chapman is Fake Asian

by De Bushman November 14, 2020

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Fake Asian

When someone is trying to be cool or strong or smart. Also referring to someone that looks asian but isn't.

Tyler is a Fake Asian

by Mr.Frued September 30, 2019

Fake Asian

A toad that's burnt in the road that's also is a sh**t stain who pretents to be Asian or Korean but has no Real Asian or Korean bloodline and also tricks and burns the World.

#1 Dang that girl is Koraisian. #2 Naw. She not from Asia or Korea. She's just Fake Asian. Not a real Blackanese. Careful she'll burn you. #2 YIKES!!!

by Catisaqueen May 26, 2021