One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Fake-ass-african tried to get my credit card number and me being a dumbass gave her 10 bucks.
5👍 10👎
One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face. is full of fake-ass-africans trying to procure your money! Beware Herb! Beware!!!
4👍 11👎
One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Fake-ass-african has Herb on a leash!
4👍 12👎
One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
That girl Herb is talking to is a fake-ass-african! Get a damn clue Herb!!!
3👍 10👎
One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Herb is involved with a fake ass African and doesn't have a clue. His life savings will be gone soon if he doesn't wake up from his sick old man fantasies.
7👍 19👎
One who prentends to be from Africa over the internet in a atempt to score your credit card number. Usually your a 50+ year old man with no life and would give your soul for a pretty pussy in your face.
Go find a real woman instead of that Fake ass African you keep typing!
5👍 16👎