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Facebook fake

a fucker who decides to take people pictures and uses it for themselves. In other words impersonating someone.

Wow look at that facebook fake. she's totally fake i have seen her pictures on photobucket

by Ballin 77 April 26, 2010

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facebook fake

people who pretend to be someone they are not only on facebook when clearly we all know how much of a fake bitch you really are!

I love my kids and my husband but I am a facebook fake and sit on my ass all day and do nothing but facebook and drink like a fish!

by don't want to know you January 31, 2011

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facebook fake

people with a facebook who are better out without one.they are usually little kids who are not even in their teens that have a facebook but all they ever do is take quizzes and manage their "restaurant". they have all these friends that they don't even know and they fake their age to get a facebook. they put their relationship status as "in a relationship" when they sure as hell have never actually dated a real person before. they sometimes photoshop their photos into something unrecognizable. they don't even have a picture of themselves and use manga photos. they cuss on the internet and everything but in real life, they can't say the words for shit. they comment and like everything on facebook but in real life you don't even notice they are alive. they also make multiple accounts for no freaken apparent reason.

this girl is a complete facebook fake. "in a relationship"? she's only ten. she sure as hell is lying for attention.

by hatingonpeoplewhohavenolife July 25, 2010

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Facebook Fake-out

The act of when an ugly but yet photogenic person posts multiple deceiving photos of themselves to fake-out the viewer.

(Kyle) OMG! Did you see that girl Jordan on Facebook!? She is SMOKIN'!!!!

(Tanner) Have you ever seen her in person? She is a fat cunt and a total Facebook fake-out.

by Coutney and Rachel January 26, 2009

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Facebook Fake-Out

When an individual appears to be very attractive in his/her Facebook pictures, but in real life his/her attractiveness is a fraction of what it appeared to be on Facebook. Similar to forty yard fake out

Guy 1: Wow... that first meet-up did not go well.

Guy 2: What happened?
Guy 1: Well, she seemed way more attractive on her Facebook profile than she did in real life.
Guy 2: You my friend are victim of a Facebook Fake-Out.

by normalguyz May 23, 2011

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Facebook Fake-Out

When a person uses camera angles, lighting, black&white, photoshop, professional photoshop (oops, I meant senior pictures), and more face paint than an Apache Indian to appear attractive over the interwebs.

That girl's profile pic was sexy, but, when I met at that party last night, she was hella' hit. She's a total Facebook Fake-Out.

by Higheena September 9, 2011

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facebook fake sexyness

someone who looks really hot on facebook profile picture, but in real life they are butt ugly.

Sam: How was your date
nevin: The girl was so ugly, but on facebook she was hot though.
Sam: She has Facebook fake sexyness for sure than.

by qweef shady June 28, 2011

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