To behave recklessly, irresponsibly or deceitfully with no regards to the consequences of said actions.
Alastair said "I'm going to buy some sex dice to spice up the bedroom " and Henry replied "on the university wifi? That's fast and loose!"
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to behave recklessly, irresponsibly, or deceitfully toward someone or something, such as acting in a manner that contradicts conventions or guidelines
Wow! He sure does play fast and loose with money.
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When you decreasingly lose some of your artistic talent in a few days resulting in very low-detail design. You suddenly get tired of working on your artwork and got the decision for someone else do the work for you because you've wasted your talent... And wasted your potential.
It was too much work for me. I had to go fast and loose to save time. You hear me? FAST N' LOOSE. LESS TALENT MORE BULLSHIT.
To perform a task recklessly, yet skillfully, under dangerous circumstances; to waste no time in doing something that needs to be done right now, while "cutting corners"; to disregard formalities and niceties in a social scenario by getting straight to the point that more often than not, can be considered offensive.
"You specters play fast and loose with the law - that's bad for business," -Gianna Parasini, Mass Effect; "You all better not be fast and loose when driving down that muddy hill while hauling the dangerous cargo in the trucks!"; "A lot of people like to take things slow when dating, not rushing things by being fast and loose."