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The fat-boy-cut is a type of haircut that would appear on the heads of fat children in the early to mid 90's. Its a bowl cut placed in a high up position on a completely shaven head. The type that rock the fat-boy cut are usually a couple of guys from your old school, normally the ones that you knew who they were but didn't really know them. For visual aid see Zachery Ty Bryan in a pre-puberty episode of Home Improvement.

"Dude, getting punished by Krampus sucked bad but at least he liked my fat-boy-cut."

Guy 1: "Hey Tom, give ya the usual?"
Guy 2: "Hmmm... no I think i will just have ya give me the fat-boy-cut."

by Hans Muff January 3, 2011

Fat cut

Just like a haircut, for people with excess fat, this helps you get rid of fat.

When Nakul said he desperately needed a haircut, his friend suggested what he needed more was a fat cut.

by Nakul.1697 June 7, 2019