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Meaning Fake photo, without the negative connotation. Pronounced Photo, but spelled different. Originally made by YouTuber Moriah Elizabeth.

Moriah Elizabeth made a Fauxto of Pickle and Derp.

by LittleSailorMiep December 4, 2021

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Fauxto is a "fake photo". This was meant to be a nonnegative term for the YouTube Moriah Elizabeth painting photos instead of making photos through the means of a camera.

I'm painting a Fauxto to put into a picture Fran.

by LittleSailorMiep December 5, 2021


An altered or misleadingly cropped/labeled photograph, or one in which the people/elements have been staged or arranged to give a false effect. See fauxtography.

The image of the dead man being pulled out of the rubble turned out to be a fauxto; a photograph dated ten minutes later showed him walking about.

by jaqua August 11, 2006

15πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


Picture of the digital variety taken and modified by Photoshop or other method to increase it's shock and propaganda value. Used especially well by contributors to the NYTimes, Reuters and other left wing newspapers who have a diffiult time fact checking. That is, unless it is a subject that could damage the United States.

In recent weeks, bloggers such as Michelle Malkin, LGF and others have debunked numerous fauxtos taken in Lebanon. Especially amusing was the altered smoke pic that a 4th grader could have altered more convincingly.

by Tiberius1701 August 11, 2006

29πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


Any false representation of a woman’s labia majoris, slang word (camel toe)

dat hoe got so much show it gotz to be fauxtoe

by Cove catz January 7, 2020