Source Code

favorable-desk scramble

Refers to where you unexpectedly get a whole string of several newly-composed UD definitions approved right off, and so you realize that the currently-online submission-judgers are apparently a more-receptive "desk" (as in, "it all depends on whose desk you land on") than the overly-critical/humorless a**h**es who seem to be typically present, and who often heartlessly/flippantly reject many of your perfectly-good and well-worded definitions in favor of stupid/negative/gross/disgusting/smutty submissions that aren't the least bit clever or funny, and which are riddled with misspellings, poor grammar, lousy/unclear wording, etc. So you hastily delve back into your "archives" of previously-rejected definitions and re-submit some of them, in the hopes that these more-fair-minded judgers are still the ones who are "watching" for new submissions, and thus they will approve this latest "crop" from you, as well.

I always try to perform the favorable-desk scramble whenever I have a chance; it's allowed me to get most of my definitions published, some of which I'd been waiting on for months.

by QuacksO August 25, 2018