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Fear mongering

Also called scare tactic. This is a strategy that various governments and news media uses in order to scare you into agreeing with their policies or points of view that usually involves some kind of protection or banning something which thus enacts more and more useless laws. This also helps keep the population under control as a scared population is easier to control and is more trusting of the government.

They usually fear monger by exaggerating the story or accounting of the events by using massive hyperboles, speak of the object from a negative standpoint and never from a neutral standpoint, use certain rhetorical words such as "dangerous", "lethal", "contagious", or "aggressive" and use only partial truth or no truth at all (aka lies). Usually true journalism and research is completely non-existent when using fear mongering techniques. When the story or segments airs on TV, they also use menacing or disturbing music to further bring out a fearful mood out of the viewers.

The government and media were using fear mongering when they talk about any sort of bacteria or virus.

by Digital Preacher January 10, 2015

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Fear mongering

Also know as Nicki, keeper of the fines

I hope nicki won't fine me, she's so fear mongering.

by Hot-ham July 18, 2021

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Fear Denial Mongering

FEAR; (perceived risk or danger, real or not)DENIAL; (negation in logic; refusal to admit the possibility of a truth and or a reality) MONGERING; (monger=Trader; thus mongering = trading)

Contrary to urban mythological FEARMONGERING, a undefined non-existent dictionary term derived as; โ€œOne who spreads the (*idealogy) of fear through propaganda to fulfill a concealed agenda. Similar to a terrorist, but it fights with information and not direct violence. Politicians, media personas, and internet posters can all be(* fearmongers).*(Spelling)

Fear Denial Mongering comes from an ideology of denial and individualismโ€™s obsess, seeded in urban legend and conspiracy by a punditry of anti-establishment denial that there is anything to fear at all.

As expressed in a denial of fear ideology by neophyte Senator Barack Obama, in MASON CITY, Iowa, in a justifying posture of Fear Denial Mongering on May 25, 2007.

by Fearmonger May 25, 2007

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