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february 23rd

National Yeet day. On this day you can yEeT your life away. yEeT is a word commonly communicated between memester. This can be to fling and object or an actual human being.

Omg I can't wait for February 23rd so I can yEeT my brother
Yeetus fetus deletus

by November 3, 2019

40๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

February 23rd

World thigh reveal day- when showed a screenshot of this definition, the receiver must send thigh pics to the sender.

Lemme see those thighs- it's February 23rd

by ThighKing February 23, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

February 23rd

A person born on February 23 is most likely attracted to shrek

Evelina: hey, itโ€™s February 23rd, my birthday!

Friend: Yeah I know, you better do shrek good today.

by Evelinaxshrek69 November 15, 2019

10๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

February 23rd

No boys days

Oh itโ€™s February 23rd. I better not text any boys today

by adog124 February 23, 2021

February 23rd

Ukrainian Invasion Day - February 23rd-24th
The day Russia launched itโ€™s invasion of Ukraine and started bombing Kyiv

John: Hey itโ€™s February 23rd!
Alex: So?
John: Todayโ€™s the day the Ruskies fucked up the Ukrainians!

by RatT Chezz February 24, 2022

23rd February

The 23rd of February is the birthday of the most perfect, cutest, sweetest, hottest, most amazing person ever.
I love you sweetheart

Adorablie: my birthday is the 23rd February
Anyone: uau you're the best

by LukarMuah November 23, 2021

23rd February

if you are born in this day, you have a cement-breaking massive cobalt cock

"i was born on 23rd February"
"his dick will absolutely destroy me"

by kalek1437 November 23, 2021