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a femcell is a blatently sexist woman who tries (and fails miserably) at destroying the lives of men and tries to make everybody around her feel like shit this woman is often a feminazi who only bases her ideology on her -156 iq points and tries to be as sexist and inequal as possible while bitching about inequality that women face and fucks over feminism as a whole while empowering other femcells

Becky drinks male tears while bitching about Amberheard not winning the trial. Often people love referring to her as a femcell

by feminazi combater June 5, 2022

28πŸ‘ 42πŸ‘Ž


fina ass mf female, who is into younger guys, she has curly dark brown hair is probobly the prettiest person youve ever seen. she is also sensitive to certain words and is in love with takis. shes around 6ft tall and is a very white for a mixed individual. she enjoys her cat, and her dog, and pizza. which she often swayed as token of forgiveness ; ).

femcell vibes. (in refrence to defintion)

by connoriscoolswagsauce November 12, 2020

8πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A female incel.
A woman who can't get a relationship

Becky is a femcel, she wants a relationship but can't get one to save her life

by Cananiggagetasandwich September 13, 2020

1783πŸ‘ 476πŸ‘Ž


Although the main definition would be something along the lines of "female incel", the term femcel is often just used to describe various personality traits. Yes, a femcel is a celibate woman (voluntarily or not), but with time, the word has mostly been used to describe single women interested in (non exhaustive list) :

- the internet. Femcels are known to be chronically online first and foremost.

- being mentally ill, in one way or another.

- being obsessed with femboys/being a yandere.

- listening to "femcel music" : mitski, fleetwood mac, blondie, princess chelsea, deftones, deathgrips...

- having "femcel hobbies" : video games, horror, a mix of both, "cutesy" things, art, spending all day in bed doing absolutely nothing, anime...

- generally being a social reject, especially in real life, and mostly having online friend (if any IRL friends at all).

"i haven't left my room in a week and my back really hurts."

"Yeah, maybe that's because you've been doing nothing but rewatching Serial Experiments Lain for the 100th time and listening to three hours deep dives about every PS2 psychological horror games with a woman protagonist you could find."

"lol yeah i guess."

"You're such a fucking femcel."

by sharkazzz September 26, 2023

744πŸ‘ 107πŸ‘Ž


woman who probably kins asuka from nge and laughs at lain memes

"oh i like lain" says girl "oh okay u femcel"

by Ajkacon May 31, 2021

415πŸ‘ 126πŸ‘Ž


women that enjoy to listen to both male manipulator music like the smiths, radiohead e.g. and female manipulator music like fiona apple, lana del rey e.g. they are opinionated as fuck and not only hate men but also hate women, they hate everyone and everything. their favourite class is english and they hate the male gaze but would definitely be written by a man. they are most likely mentally ill and problematic.

oh my god she is suchhhh a femcel, her music taste is so diverse and she is sooooo based wow she reads too?? she’s so different!

by opinionated cool girl September 30, 2021

106πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Girls/Women who not only love male manipulator music but also female manipulator music. She loves Fiona Apple and kins Alaska (looking for Alaska). She actually doesn’t take men seriously and she can be easily mistaken as a β€œmanic pixie dream girl” when in fact she probably is a misandrist. We love femcels!

Oh my god Sarah is a femcel she started reading John green books when she was 12.

by Ilovemgg June 7, 2021

1269πŸ‘ 553πŸ‘Ž