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2. an situation seen only as an emergency by a female.

Friend: "Dude, why'd you guys leave the party last night?

Dude: "Oh man, we walk in and my girl she says that she saw her ex-best friend there with someone's else's boyfriend and they were making out and she was afraid what she might do and would she have to tell her other friend who might be trying to date this dude because she'd be all busted up if she heard it from someone else first and found out she knew. It was a femergency, we HAD to leave."

Friend: "Too bad, the beer was great."

by OBCliffHanger August 22, 2013


a feminine emergency, often related to the vagina and its excretions.

boss: where have you been? your break was only thirty minutes but you've been gone for an hour!
employee: sorry...had to run to the store, i had a femergency.

by i invented shizam September 13, 2010

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