Source Code


an undercover cop/drug deala.

usually is easy to tell if somebody is fettucini because they have something either wikid sick or out of place.

(x): dood check out dem spinnin rims!
(y): dat shit has GOT ta be fettucini, dawg

by d to da g December 22, 2004

22👍 16👎


undercover cop

Yo, that nigga in da Crown Royale gotz to be fettucini, only five-O drive dem thangs.

by Dirty September 18, 2003

9👍 5👎

fettucini alfredo

the best damn pasta existing.

dang, that fettucini alfredo was sooo tasty!

by bebeswagga July 14, 2008

35👍 14👎

fettucini beanie

A fettuccini beanie is when you grab a chick with stringy flat blond hair and cum in said woman's hair and then swoop it around her head making a fettuccini beanie

fettucini beanie

by Bedroombusternut February 2, 2016

3👍 1👎