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1. cool; awesome; great. Mostly used as a reply in a text message.
2. The number 8.

Example 1: That is some figg ass shit yo.

Example 2:
Friend 1: I'll be over in figg minus three minutes.
Friend 2: Figg

by Figg Guy May 4, 2008

100👍 16👎


Someone who is wack. A punk ass. A pushover or pussy with no style.

Man look at these kmart-wearin figg ass niggas.

by ian j September 29, 2003

15👍 77👎


‎'figg-ing' - {future tense} 'to figg' - {past tense} 'figged'

verb used with socially awkward people

1. To unceremoniously disappear unexpectedly in a social environment
2. To miraculously vanish in the company of others

"Fuck's sake. I only looked down at my watch and back and already the cunt managed to do a Figg."

"Keep an eye on that cunt," he said, nodding at Adam. "Make sure he doesn't do a Figg."

by Confield November 3, 2011

16👍 16👎


Figgs is short for the words figures & figured.

Look who you got it from, figgs it was a total rip!

by Twitch April 24, 2005

7👍 14👎


Figge usually a male who very easily gets embarrassed. He usually has a very square head and a very tiny penis but still he somehow gets all the girls. He's usually blonde and very spoiled which makes him brag a lot.

Alissa- look at that blonde guy with a square head must definetly be a figge.
Alice- Yeah he probably has a tiny penis too.

by dbsdbvdbdv December 9, 2018

1👍 2👎


Figge often seems to be the smartest guy in the room, although he is intelligent he is also often quite humble. you can often see him as an opposite of the word "Måns" as stated in the urban dictionary.

I feel so proud of my test result, I really felt like a "figge"

by The lady headbuter January 20, 2021

1👍 2👎

Töggel figge

ggl figge/figgt/inefigge: The act of consuming an extasy.

« Lets töggel figge and dance. »

« Dinos töggel figgt him very much. »

by HRData July 9, 2023

1👍 1👎