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finger wave

Term describing the anal prostate check portion of the annual physical examination done on older men. The "finger wave" is done by the gloved hand of the examining physician. One only hopes that while the "finger wave" is being done you don't feel both of the doctor's hands on your shoulders at the same time or you're in trouble.

Old man Klaune went to the doctor and got a finger wave.

by Frank Klaune March 6, 2004

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finger wave

n. The signal given by drivers in the South acknowledging their friendship or acquaintanceship with an approaching driver. It consists of lifting the pointer finger of the hand that is sitting at eleven, twelve or one o'clock without removing the hand from the wheel.

Driving down Highway 27 last night, I saw my momma heading in the opposite direction. I returned her finger wave as she passed and continued on home.

by A Cajun Girl November 4, 2007

21👍 8👎

finger wave

Originally, a women's hair style in the late 1930's and early 1040's, characterized by a series of ridges as though a hand with spread fingers was placed on the hair and then the fingers closed.

The slang definition of the term, initially attributed to the military, was used for a prostate examination as described above.

Be sure the proctologist doesn't have both hands on your shoulders when he gives you a finger wave.

by Don Howard April 8, 2007

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finger wave

When you're wiping your ass with cheap toilet paper and your finer pops through it so you and up touching your ass hole.

"I was proud of the giant dump I took until I wiped and gave myself a finger wave, then I just felt a little insulted by my own ass."

by Sarah Lambert February 27, 2008

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Royal Finger Wave

The act of a member of the Royal Family waving at a member of the public but not in a Royal style (hand rotating in a forward direction with fingers fixed at a horizontal angle) but with their hand and fingers pointing to the person and them moving their fingers up and down in a friendly manner just like they are waving at an acquaintance.

In 1982 the Queen Mum waved at me with a Royal Finger Wave and not the usual Royal Wave whilst I crossed a bridge over the River Thames in London with my father.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

Ghost Finger Wave

The act of using your right arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture but staying at a horizontal angle (much like a Sieg Heil but winding in and out your middle finger keeping your other fingers closed) whilst Ghost Riding past people and Police on your illegal Electric Bike thus giving the Police "the finger" Ghost style not like the Queen Mother who did this with all four fingers (Royal Finger Wave).

I love to give people and the Police a Ghost Finger Wave whilst I Ghost Ride.

by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020

ten finger tidal wave

A form of the Japanese game "Kancho" where rather then using 1 pointer finger from both hands you use all ten fingers to shove up somebody's anus.


by Jamesjamesjames69 May 12, 2019

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