The act of being a completely naive dipshit in the fintech industry, going to great lengths to garner large audiences to witness your public swan dive . Performing and engaging in activities that only an incompetent and overly-confident moron would. Results in jaw dropping mistakes that cause your audience to feel second-hand embarrassment, this feeling can become an addiction, now only following you because they too are FinTech Dipshits, virtue signaling, or they are aroused by watching you wage jihad on your own credibility, ie. calling yourself an influencer or thought leader, virtue signaling, representing surveys as data/research, buzzwords out of context, insulting your own audience, fear mongering, click bait, intentional hypocrisy. and basically destroying everything in their path until ALL are stupider for having breathed their air, we now live in a paradox, Dipshitery becomes widespread & causes collective intelligence to decline, making dipshitery the new normal. Brainwashed, they fall in love with the system & propagate the Dipshitery, accelerating the cycle until the entire herd is compromised. The decline can only be seen (and hopefully someday cured) with the use of highly suspect, and wildly sophisticated mechanisms that are so new & innovative they are yet unproven in scientific circles, these include: truth, facts, data, math, not being a dipshit, or having an original thought.
Did you see the article they wrote, it was filled with FinTech Dipshitery. I have never seen someone who knows less about what they are talking about, everything they said was complete fintech dipshitery.