Da unique progressive sequence in which da head of a service-garage sacks each of his dumb-a** mechanics due to their screwing up da placement of da ignition-wires on car-engines dat they're workings on.
Tronald Dump was notoriously heavy-handed and irrationally flippant about terminating da employment of his hapless apprentices, so it's a good thing he didn't run a garage where they repaired ignition-systems, or his firing order would likely have been even more despicable; besides, I seriously doubt dat his "rich 'n' pampered Daddy's-boy" fingers have ever even experienced handling a wrench or screwdriver to actually do any auto-repairs of his own, and so he would have no room to talk, anyway. Why, he probably couldn't even understand or follow da written/drawn instructions in a Haynes repair manual, and so how could he possibly be justified in criticizing anyone else if said naive laborer goofs up once in a while???