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first person

1. Noun
A type of narrative in which the protagonist relates their story using the pronoun โ€˜Iโ€™.

2. Noun
A type of game in which the player plays as themselves from their own perspective or as a single character from that characters perspective.

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins was written in the first person.
2. Call of Duty is a first person shooter video game.

by MPWHart June 26, 2018

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Person Shooter

The act of fellatio being performed on a male who is playing a video game, including, but not limited to first person shooter games, including, but not limited to all versions of"Counter-Strike", "Call of Duty", and "Halo"

"Dude, I wish I could get my dick sucked while playing a video game"

"You've never gotten a first person shooter dude?!"

by Para.dox December 10, 2012

68๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Person Shooter

Where you can only see the weapon or item.

Halo, Half-life, Killzone these are all examples of First Person Shooters

by XII DesTinY July 2, 2005

139๐Ÿ‘ 60๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Person Shooter

Putting a GoPro on your dick

Dude, I found the perfect girl; she's totally into first person shooters.

by RicardoXXVI July 8, 2017

First Person Syndrome

When playing a first person shooter, you try to look around the corner or around a door or even over the edge of a building by moving your body instead of the controller.

Player 1: What are you doing you noob.

Player 2: Trying to see that dude over there.

Player 1: You have got First Person Syndrome mate, you need to get out more.

by monk tha hola the wonk January 26, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Person Shooter

1) The most OVERRATED AND OVERUSED playstyle / genre of video games that are made. Few of them have any originality. Most of them are used for boring repetitive and often broken war games. Others consist of zombie / horror / or secret agent themes. Though some FPS games are actually good, people tend to eat up the shit-hole fps games.

2) What lazy game developers use to lure in Graphic Nazi gamers to buy the exact same game over and over again in a nicer package.

Also known as FPS.

PC user: I need to go play some Call of Duty.
Nintendo person: Man up and stop playing your shit-hole first person shooters. N64 is where it's at.

Xbox: I love Halo. Good series, and great FPS.
Gamecube: Screw that. All of them are pretty much the exact same. My Metroid Prime Series is completely different between all three.

by Reiden February 20, 2011

94๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

First Person Shooter

A crappy genre of games popularized by American gamerz. These games existed in the form of classic 3D psuedo shooters like Castle Wolfenstien 3D and Doom. The genre turned into a pile of shit after it got bombared by World War II shooters and of course the ever popular Call of Duty.

Halo recieves honorable mentions

Xbawks owner: Do you wanna play some halo we can become LEET since its a First Person Shooter and we are american we HAVE to play it!!
Guy who plays more than just shooters: Nah lets get down with some Monster Hunter.
Xbawks owner: is that a shooter?
Guy who plays more than just shooters:.....get the fuck out

Shooters are the only reason the Xbox 360 sells well in the U.S.

by Gamer0079 May 26, 2010

83๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž