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A person who continues to speak without any real knowledge and thinks they know exactly what they are talking about.

Boa yo ass jus flappin now Lebron not winning a ring with the lakers

by AJ_2KYT November 24, 2018


Use of cocaine, and or, being high on cocaine

Tommy- Ayo Johnny! We drinkin tonight!?

Johnny- Yessir! We gonna get fucked up! You down to get Flappin tonight!?

Tommy- Aww Hell Yea!!! Imma hit up Lorenzo for a bird!

Johnny- HAHAHAA! My nigga we reckless...LEGGOO!!!

by McFlappin December 15, 2012

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being broke as hell, stretched out to the max, or struggling for work

this guy is flappin in the wind

by Philip Crescenzo February 28, 2008

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The act of a female with obvious labia wearing short shorts, underwear, swimsuit, etc., and in a position to where said labia is exposed in some way. Mostly frowned upon by the male gender, although when tolerated, strong sexual arousal is common.

Guy 1: Check it out dude! That chick with the booty shorts is totally Flappin'!

Guy 2: She is so fine.

by 69unfaithful December 15, 2009

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talkin shit about another person!!!!! exp frsheys people

why u flappin bout freshys>

by yossi101 December 28, 2007

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The origin of flappins began in Rugby 2007 when sarah flapped out on the sofa after a smoke. Since then, Flappins now flaps out anywhere and everywhere, whether on a train, up a tree, in the fridge,etc.

''Flappins, wake up!''

by piratemic August 29, 2008

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nigger flappin

the action of slurring your words with big old monkey lips to muffle the sound, causing it impossible to understand it

Man boy i cant understand what the fuck you're saying because nigger flapping like crazy.

by Superior One May 7, 2010