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Flashist Mob

A version of a flash mob where the participants are incorporating fascist slogans, outbursts and chants in their collective performance. British actor Rufus Sewell coined the term on Twitter in September 2020. Sewell was responding to acting colleague Jeffrey Wright's retweet of a video showing a group of people entering a Target store in Florida wearing apparel containing messages in support of then-president Donald Trump, but not wearing the masks mandated by the store during the COVID-19 crisis. The group also encouraged other shoppers to take off their masks in violation of the store's regulations.

A Flashist Mob formed outside City Hall this morning consisting mostly of Neo-Nazis, white supremacists and Donald Trump supporters.

by DocBay September 16, 2020

Flashist Mob

A flash mob in which the participants shout, chant, display or otherwise exhibit fascist, or fascism-related messaging. The term was coined by British actor Rufus Sewell in September 2020. Sewell was responding to tweet by acting colleague Jeffrey Wright containing a video showing a group of people in apparel supporting then-president Donald Trump entering a Target store in Florida without the face masks mandated by the store during the COVID-19 crisis. The group shouted anti-mask slogans and encouraged patrons to violate store rules by taking off their masks.

A flashist mob formed quickly in front of City Hall this morning, consisting mostly of neo-Nazis, white supremacists and Donald Trump supporters.

by DocBay September 16, 2020