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flight suit

1. A type of military uniform worn by fighter pilots during missions.

2. A suit worn by politicans when they screw up and want to cover it up by four flushing posturing.

George W. Bush wore a flight suit right before landing on a carrier deck to deliver that little mission accomplished speech.

by jesster79 January 24, 2006

215👍 36👎

The Spider-Man flight suit

When you are participating in a MMF ménage à trois and both men position themselves ither side of the woman’s shoulders and perform their ejaculate upon climax directly into said woman’s armpits. To then which the woman presses her elbows to her hips and then raising her arms, streaming a spider web like wing span. Known as the SPIDER-MAN FLIGHT SUIT.

So I tried the Spider-Man flight suit, note to self... next time shave my armpits first.

by Baked and fried September 20, 2021