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flipper fart

A high-pitched pulsating squeaker fart that encourages everyone in earshot to stand on their chairs and sing in unison: “they call him Flipper, Flipper, faster than lightning”

-Beware: dolphins swim in “pods” and where there is one others are sure to follow until the full fishing net is let loose in the sea (courtesy flushes encouraged)
-“Faster than lighting” often foreshadows the necessary speed of toilet access required to avoid aquarium cleaner be used on the innocent underoos and chair
-Causes those in earshot and smellshot to have an indescribable desire to meet Charlie the Tuna and smack that red beret off his fish head in retaliation
-some try to falsify a flipper fart by sitting on an acoustically tuned piece of sheet metal and letting room reverb produce an imposter flipper fart; kazoos pre-inserted into the anus are also not genuine flipper farts

Ronnie let out a flipper fart; let me grab the life jackets, swimming suits and take selfies to impress our friends on Instagram.

by flippinright April 5, 2022