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Putting big vocabulary words into rap lyrics.

Check out my flocabulary:
"If I give something to you and get something else back,
that's a quid pro quo like we scratch each other's backs."

by Emcee Escher January 2, 2007

31👍 4👎


when black people make websites www.flocabulary.com

bro that flocabulary shit has a lot of black people music, also absolute garbage my cerebral is having a massive orgasmic overload and cum is leaking out of every hole in my body.

by Fortniteporn.com January 22, 2020

6👍 1👎


A vocabulary of il punches, rhymes, and multies...

Whoa, FUTURE has a raw flocabulary!

by Jon Jon Junior May 4, 2008

2👍 10👎