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food court

When food make people fat so food go to court.

I ate McDonalds at Westfield Hornsby food court and now I weigh 500 pounds.

by Officeworks December 5, 2022

Food Court

A mock trial-like cafeteria game involving foods

Did the lasagna stab the meatloaf with the carrots? Find out on Food Court!

by America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ December 12, 2018

51πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Food court gangster

Food court gangsters are those children whose parents never loved them. They are usually of white descent, but this is not an exclusive trait. The term can be used loosely, as not all Food court gangsters "post up" in mall food courts. You can find them at the local Wal-Mart, movie theater, skate park, and even at ski resorts.
These kids have most likely never been to the hood, and if they have, it was only when passing through on the way home from summer camp. They learn how to dress from all the rap videos they view on MTV and other various "music" television stations. The typical Food Court Gangster will always be with his "posse" and will be wearing an oversized pair of flashy Skullcandys around his neck, pumping the "fattest beats" from his favorite underground rap artist.

Example 1)
Food court Gangster #1 - "Yo B we gonna post up at Tuttle Mall fo a minute, you down to rep?"

FCG #2 - "Yeaaaahhh dawg, we'll hit up Sbarro and get our grub on! Uhhhhhhh!"

Example 2)
Two FCG's approach each other in Wal-Mart.

"Yo you get dem GROCERIES nigga?!?!??!"
"Yeah fer real dawg, I gots dese Minute Meals 2 fo 1!!!!"

by GetGnar33 February 8, 2009

193πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž

Food Court Queen

The extremely obese and repulsive housewives who whored food and occupy the Misawa food court.

"The food court queens have closed down three fast food restaurants and therefore we cannot eat today."

by Sean Petty January 9, 2005

39πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Food Court Druids

Teenage Goths obsessed with fantasy role-playing games like Magic the Gatherer

A special breed of Goths obsessed with fantasy role-playing games like Yu-Gi-Oh! Lord of the Rings, and other games associated with orcs, dragons, and plate-mail armor wearing alligators.

by Robert Lanham, Author of Food Court Druids, Cherohonkees, and Other Creatures Unique to the Republic August 4, 2004

31πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

food court druid

The Nerdy, and often pimply kids who sit in the lunch room and play games like: Magic the gathering, Yu-gi-Oh, and even a rousing game of Pok`e Mon has been known to break out from this class pf people. Always found in the lunch room at their own table yelling about a spell that was cast.

Watching the food court druids play their
card games made me realize that maybe suicide wasnt the only option.

Did you see the food court druid fight today? there were totally magic/yu-gi-oh/Pokemon cards everywhere.

by Ian Jones March 18, 2005

18πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Food Court Gangster

A white suburban kid who acts and dresses like he is tougher than he actually is. He wears "gangster" clothes and talks like a thug. These kids think they are cool because they mess with mall cops. Generally, this kid is either short and is overcompensating, or is just insecure in some other way. He hangs out in the food court of the local mall and tries to intimidate people with their tough face. Usually they just get laughed at.

Dude, stay away from that kid, he looks scary
Settle down man, he's just a food court gangster, the kid's a total puss.

by kynit January 9, 2008

28πŸ‘ 77πŸ‘Ž