A youtube channel made by Matpat, the creator of fnaf /j. Matpat has also created Game Theory and Film Theory. These beloved channels have taught me more than middle school could ever dream of
“what’s your favorite theory channel?” “food theory” “you are so cool man oh my goodness it’s the best one out there”
according to the cult kweed f4, every word that ends with "ood" sounds extremely hilarious
it's maybe because they have a weird sense of humor and are immature
the theory came from michael rosen's "hot food" vine
examples include jood, the hot food version of judy
hayden as hood
anna or apple as aood (you can't even pronounce this which makes it even weirder)
i would be surprised if you found this funny as well but please do give it a try on your name
oood bood (ok bye)
a: have you heard of the hot food theory
b: i am already laughing
a: aood lood
b: hood zood
a & b: joooooooood goooooooood
a: it makes no sense
b: ikr