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Foojà Vu

Foojà vu is something we all experience however, we don't normally have a simple word to describe the sensation. Frequently, the experience would normally occur not long after one has eaten or consumed a drink. This isn't to say that this couldn't happen later on in the day. Foojà vu is when a person would burp and taste something they have previous consumed.

Friend 1: "*Burp* Oh no..."
Friend 2: "Haha that doesn't sound good, have you got some foojà vu going on?"
Friend 1: "Yep, taste like the dodgy beer we had at the pub. Plus some the bubbles went up my noise?!".

Friend 1: "*Burp* Oh, that was a big one. Sorry about that... oh, wait.... got some foojà vu going on".
Friend 2: "Oh really, what have you got?"
Friend 1: "Curry, haha".

by Educated Wizard March 8, 2023