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foot fucking

The act of using ones foot as a sexual appendage. The foot is inserted into the orrifice and moved vigorously in and out. See also footing, fist fucking and fisting

I had a vigorous bout of foot fucking last night

by foj August 21, 2003

158๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fuck

to stick a girls foot on your cock and rub it until orgasim

"i want you to cum on my feet"

by shoeless joe March 25, 2003

334๐Ÿ‘ 148๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fuck

a form of masturbation where you let the woman 'jack you off with her bare foot

a form of masturbation where the male masturbates the female to orgasm using just his toes on her clit and perhaps just slightly into her vagina

Margie and I are just friends with benefits. She promised to foot fuck me next time we get naked together.

I brought her off with just my big toe up her cunt.

by Jake March 6, 2004

519๐Ÿ‘ 312๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fuck

when you go to your local kroger's or handy andy and buy a big tub of manteca (lard) then get a girl back to your place and you both dip your feet in it. Then you put your erect, manteca-covered toe in her vagina until she oozes. Then she masturbates you with her goopy feet until you squirt your man chowder. It feels like heaven and if you do this once a week it will improve your outlook on life.

Devin: Hey sweety can you stop by handy andy on your way home and pick up some manteca?
Jason: Why are you cooking?
Devin: Nope. I wanna foot fuck.
Jason: That sounds great! Isn't life swell?
Devin: Yes! Yes it is!

by captain delicious December 22, 2009

76๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž


To get foot-fucked is to get get foot-molested in full view of everyone by a sexy Scotsman. And subsequently to have nightmares (read: wet dreams) about the incident later.

Connie: I got foot-fucked yesterday.

Other: O ya?

Connie: I had nightmares.

by korektphool May 6, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Foot Fucked

The heart breaking result of what happens to a beautiful pristine snow covered lawn two minutes after children and insensitive moronic bastards get to it.

The snow was gorgeous until the kids foot fucked it.

by Thomas M. Goodnight February 27, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

foot fuck job

The act of fornicating with two lubricated bare feet while inserting just the head of the penis into the female's oral cavity. Typically the woman sits in an upright butterfly position with the feet a few inches from her oral cavity allowing for maximum blowjob potential. Flexibility in the hips is required.

Treva: That couch looks comfortable!
Kori: Don't sit there. Meghan gave Jason a foot fuck job there last weekend.

by MegJay August 20, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž