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Fordham Prep

A school that attracts all the straight kids who applied to both Iona and Fordham, and got into both

Mike: Hey, i got into fordham prep and iona prep, where should i go?

Joe: Well, normally i would advise fordham, but since ur such a big gay face, i think iona is more appropriate

Mike: Good idea, lord knows how much of a fag i am

by Fordham September 20, 2006

515👍 256👎

Fordham Prep

An all boy school which contains boys who think they're the shit because their parents decided to spend too much money to educate their ass. they like wearing vineyard vines to make them come across rich but really its the same sweater they've been wearing since freshman year. Most of them aint shit but maybe one of them can be nice but that is extremely rare. Beware of their nicotine additions.

sarah: hey is that your boyfriend?
lucy: yea he goes to fordham prep!
sarah: break up with him.

by yourmother456 March 11, 2019

15👍 27👎

Fordham Prep

A school in the Bronx, where a lot of faggy kids go. They're a bunch of buttmunchers and cocksuckers. Their name explains it all, the Fordham Rams.

"Fordham Rams Guys"
"FRG men"
"Fags only go to Fordham Prep"

by Your Mom's Tits December 4, 2007

176👍 421👎

Fordham Prep

A school in New York City that is very much similar to that of Regis and Xavier High School. It has tough academics along with a plethora of useful electives and many overqualified teachers. The school has a reputation for being full of faggot geeks. Although this is true to an extent(proven by the obsession with the male singer Justin Bieber that swept through the school on 12/17/09) the kids there, if they know how to correctly manage their time, are able to have a social life.

Many students have commutes over an hour and a half just to go to Fordham Prep

by JAYZFROMNYC January 6, 2010

82👍 205👎

Fordham Prep

A school for Niggas with absolutely zero social life and zero bitches. If you go here youre either rich or just there to bring up the diversity rates in the school. Not much of anything going on there.

8th grader: "Im coming out. Im Gay"
other Kid: "How U know your gay"
8th: " Im going to Fordham Prep"

by idekbru23497 October 7, 2022

4👍 3👎