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foster care

AGAINST: a way of punishing children through the ages of infants to 18 (and sometimes older) for what their parents did

FOR: a way to get children out of destructive homes and away form irresponsible parents
DOESNT MATTER WHAT SIDE: being a foster child is not amusing. foster children often can not socialize the way other children do
see depression
children under the age of sixteen stay with foster parents until reintegration with biological parents
sixteen year olds can choose if they would like to stay with a friend
congrads to all the fucking 16 yr olds

non-f-kid: my dad yelled at me for notmowing the lawn
f-kid: my dad wont let me live with him and my mom spent my chil support on crack if that helps with the pain

by leetenaciously June 3, 2005

76👍 21👎

Foster care

State sanctioned concentration camps- Children in foster care are "taught" "proper" behavior (and if that means beating them senseless until they go to confessional with you..so be it). 2/3 of homes are abusive in one way or another.

Then again, foster homes do save lives, they can help people, and the other 1/3 may be just what you need.

Which is better? An abusive home, abusive foster care or an abusive home with a relative? So many options...

by matildamay September 24, 2009

39👍 11👎

foster care

Everyday you are woken up to go to school until you graduate. They beat you with multiple forms and lock you away from the world. They put you into abusive homes on purpose so you can suffer. They take you away from parents for useless but sensible reasons but however still cause more torture. You are beaten until you can awake and watch tv shows all day long. During weekends you have to work extra hard than school and they ask the school for homework. When it is lunch time, they force you to eat your food even when you are full. The food tastes extremely bitter and 2x more sour than a lemon. They rarely ever give you treats that would be what you normally ate before being taken away. When they are finished torturing "out of love" they will put you in a abusive home and so on

It is not all foster care's fault. they just don't know what they are doing

by sick of asphixiation August 24, 2022

2👍 1👎

foster care

A tax supported program whereby complete losers who aren't smart/competent enough to use birth control can have full-time babysitting services provided for up to 3 years before deciding to be a somewhat responsible parent.
This program also provides many benefits to the "loser", AKA bio-parent, including visits with the children at the loser's convenience (they don't have to show up if they have something more important to do, like sleep), free phones, subsidized rent, groceries, free health care, etc.
The foster parents, meanwhile, are attempting to teach the wild animals, er, offspring of these loser bio-parents to be civilized human beings.
At the end of the 3 years, the bio-parent, if they decide that it's not too much trouble, can make a sudden effort to appear responsible, in which case they get their offspring back on a permanent basis, and the loser pattern is extended another generation.

Well, we've had these kids for almost three years, and now they're going back to "Mom", so they can live in the house and ride in the car, and go to the doctor, all paid by our taxes.
At least "Mom" stopped smoking crack a couple of months ago. Maybe she won't leave the 5-year-old at home alone when she goes out to get more drugs. Or maybe they'll end up in foster care again.

by tenzip June 14, 2008

24👍 32👎