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foster family

A family that is willing to take in someone deprived of love or their own family. A group of people who treat an outsider as one of their own.

"My foster family took me out with them to do something as a family."

by Kathug1738 February 13, 2016

21👍 5👎

The Foster Family

A bizarre bunch brought together by fate on a road trip round New Zealand. These youngsters all came from the same mum though with different fathers Dad, Dad, Dad and... Daddd!!! Robbie was a vietnam vet, Susie a fashion queen, Paul a football nut and Timbob a gay (well his actions are like one) though his gobshite with the ladies directs otherwise!

All for 1 mum and 3 dads for all... oh and Daddd!!!!

by I'm not going to put my name to this am I, it's utter bullshit October 8, 2004