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fox sports net

A cable sports channel. Unlike wordESPNword, which provides nationalized coverage, Fox Sports Net is more regional in nature, with various regions of the country each having their own version of the network, thus providing more coverage of local teams.

"The Oklahoma vs. Oklahoma State football game was carried on Fox Sports Net."

by TheEvilOne June 22, 2003

16👍 3👎

fox sports net

The stoopid network that blacks out my local HI-Definition broadcast during hockey season. Good for people that are still forced to watch low def sports.

Damn you Fox Sports Network, go pedal your low-def analog signal somewhere else!

by Karl Hungus November 5, 2004

7👍 10👎

fox sports net

fox sports net broadcasts orioles,wizards,capitals, and other maryland d.c area teams/ its called fox sports net metro area

lets watch fox sports net

by Anonymous April 3, 2003

2👍 12👎