A fraud market is a state of being royally fucked in the ass by the market.
Stock Market where retail investors true intentions to compound money from their savings instead it’s worse than a casino; and more addicting than a drug. Market makers will guarantee to take every crumb off your plate.. leave you broke and even homeless but you can’t stop gambling. News, media, and fake-out candles will make your positions look promising and market makers will make sure they make your option-contracts theta decay; move swiftly and inverse of your position.. better yet worthless. You will get fucked in the ass by this market.
MARK: /ES is gonna break 324 support; I’m gonna buy 315 puts.
JAKE: Me too! I’m going all in on my Robinhood account
Next day: Spy opens up 350
MARK: Okay Im gonna buy 360 calls instead.
JAKE: Yeah stonks always goes up
Next day: Market drops 340
Mark dumps his worthless calls the next day; as the market is dropping.. he panic sells and buys puts.. and it rallies hard eod. He's been fucked by the fraud market.