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The act of masturbating with no visual material.

The poor ethiopian boy had to freestyle because he had no computer or magazines.

Bobby had to freestyle because his mom threw out all the Sears Catalogues

by Graham January 25, 2004

81๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


(v.) The act of engaging in an exercise or achieving a goal via one's own personal methods and skills (without resorting to established guidelines or protocols).

I din't study a single damn second for that math test, and freestyled an A-

On his first day at the wheel, that cocky prick Tyrone was freestyling a burnout and blew his wheels into a million fucking pieces. Dumbass should've stuck to basketball.

by Dan_da_Man May 9, 2006

23๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

freestyle, freestyler

A liberated way of dressing, as a guy, somewhat akin to the term "metrosexual"; many women have adopted a similar style, and have in fact been doing it for more than half a century, e.g. "mixing and matching", combining women's clothing and menswear into a "whole" look or fashion statement. NOT akin to crossdressing, where the goal is to "present" as a woman, but rather to wear whatever the guy's personal style is, regardless of the original gender intention of the manufacturer. Also, a guy into dressing "freestyle".

See www.hhplace.org

by AJ Wilkinson May 22, 2004

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž


The music first developed in the early 1980's primarily in major cities like the New York, Philadelphia, and New Jersey area of the Eastern United States of America. It was a fusion of 70's disco and 80's breakdancing music, influenced also by sampling found in Hip-Hop. The genre can be further subdivided into Old Schooland New School. Old school was generally made before 1991.
FreeStyle music in general is heavily influenced by Latin music, especially with respect to rhythms and brass/horn and keyboard parts. The latin "clave" rhythm can be felt in many songs. The tempo of FreeStyle music is almost always between 110 and 130 BPM (Beats Per Minute), typically around 118 BPM. The keyboard parts are often elegant and clever, with many short melodies and countermelodies. Again a strong influence of latin music.
The electro funk sound was changed and refined adding Latin American rhythms and a totally syncopated drum sound. That was definitely a reason why the style came to be very popular among Latinas as well as Italian Americans. Hence, the names "Latin Hip Hop" or "Latin Freestyle". Now, the more neutral term "Freestyle" is generally preferred.
The theme of the lyrics is usually romantic with a positive message. The topics developed so far have not been overly complex, and are based more on a purely emotional response.

"Did you hear that new freestyle song on the radio last night? The song is slammin!"
"Are you going to the freestyle concert on Friday? There are going to be over a dozen freestyle acts singing that night."

by www.NewYorkFreestyle.com February 11, 2006

916๐Ÿ‘ 208๐Ÿ‘Ž

freestyle it

When you decide to improvise on something you should know how to do, but dont.

guy 1: Dude are you ready for that french speaking exam?
guy 2: nah, I figured Id just freestyle it.

by laura hitchcock December 21, 2006


A popular kind of old school music that was heard throughout the streets of Lower Westchester and the Bronx. It originated in the 80's and has a fast Latin electronic beat. Popular among Puerto Ricans and Italians who flourished in these areas at the time. Such artists of this kind of music are Stevie B., George LaMond, Exposรจ, and Lisa Lisa, etc.

Yo how was Steve B. at the Tuckahoe Columbus Day Festival?" "Absolutely incredible, I LOVE freestyle music.

by Brescianator April 6, 2011

25๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most simple stroke in swimming. Freestyle is the first stroke most people learn when they are being taught how to swim. There are many types of people who do freestyle: the sprinters, who do 50-100 meters; middle distance, who do 200-400 meters, and distance, who do 800-1500 meters. Freestyle is the most popular event in competitive swimming,

"I love the 200 freestyle!"

"Me too! Everyone loves freestyle!"

by alwaysclasy January 15, 2012

26๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž