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friend jacking

Friend Jacking: verb. when a person jacks a friends friend on a social networking site who they do not personally know .; adding a friends friend because of the kick a** comments on FB or if the said friends friend is hot.

Friend: WTF? I was just a victim of friend jacking. How the hell do you know my cousin in Jamaica..and your a** has never left the State of Florida?

Friend Jacker: Because they are pretty funny on FB. Much funnier than you. Hold up your hands SON! Cause you just got Jacked!

*although friend jacking is a non-violent crime, it still occurs all the time. 1 out 4 people have been a victim of or have friend jacked someone before.

by snipergirl863 April 1, 2011

friend jack

When someone who is new to a social circle ends up becoming more important and loved in that group than the person who introduced them to said circle. Often times, the 'introducer' actually ends up getting kicked out of the group through a gradual phasing out. Most times friend jacking is the result of some inherent character flaw of the person who has been kicked out of the group.

Nikki introduced Nelson to Chloe and Cathy two months ago. Now they're BFF with Nelson but don't even talk to Nikki anymore. She got friend jacked.

by His Majesty the King April 21, 2008

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