Source Code

Friend or Foe

What I think about you is almost entirely dependant on which one of these you are...

Iam "That's actually kind of scary of you think about the friend or foe problem..."

Hym "Hmmm... Good point. It's not always self-evident as to what people are trying to accomplish when they interact with you..."

Iam "Yeah, right? Like... If they're a foe I know you're just going to reem the shit out of them."

Hym "Exactly and if they're a friend you're undoubtedly going to kiss their asses until your lips get chapped.."

Iam "Wha...!? I will not! What's wrong with being nice to people?"

Hym "It makes you look weak, they might hate your guts and get some kind of sick pleasure out of making you kiss up to them and that will make you look stupid and pathetic, and I don't like it."

Iam "Well.... I don't know it's just kind of sad, you know? Like, how do we know we don't like the 'wrong' people?"

Hym "Not so easy to tell... Hmm... You should be more concerned about hating the 'wrong' people..."

Iam "Oh shit! Oops. We forgot to eat today!"

Hym "Yeah, I'm starting to get hungry too.... Make me something to eat."

Iam "Alright. Give me a minute."

by Hym Iam April 30, 2022

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