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frightened turtle

When you're so cold, that your penis tries to suck back into your body like a frightened turtle into it's shell.

"Dude, you should know better than to go skinny-dipping on the first date. You never show the frightened turtle to a chick who hasn't already seen your meat."

by Mr. BRW February 7, 2008

40👍 9👎

Frightened Turtle

When a poop log rears it's brown head out for a peek, only to retreat to it's rightful home at the moment, the ass.

Man! I almost messed my trousers, thankfully it was only a frightened turtle, so no soilage! *high five*

by Scooter McFadden April 19, 2004

10👍 13👎

Frighten turtle syndrome

The act of the male penis retreating back into the pelvis area causing it to look like the head a Frighten turtle Also known as FTS

That water was damn cold I now have Frighten turtle syndrome (FTS)

by Wooha5062 April 26, 2010

12👍 4👎

Frightened Turtle Effect

Another term for shrinkage. When the male genetalia becomes withered from immersion in a cold fluid.

Dude this water is frezzing
I know i've got the frightened turtle effect over here.

by Blaker April 7, 2006

8👍 6👎