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The proper term to use for "San Francisco" when you want to annoy uptight "Friscans".

Me: I'm going to a club in Frisco tonight.
Uptight Friscan: Frisco? Nobody from here calls it that! Please use San Francisco
Me: Yah, I love living in Frisco.
Uptight Friscan: Please don't disrespect the city by using that term.
Me: Wow, Frisco sure has great night life - and a lot of anal retentive idiots

by Frisco Guy January 29, 2010

962๐Ÿ‘ 458๐Ÿ‘Ž


How people who arent from Sanfrancisco say Sanfrancisco

" hella... frisco rocks!"

by herbie January 25, 2004

958๐Ÿ‘ 693๐Ÿ‘Ž


Fuck you, I call it Frisco. San Francisco born and bred, Western Edition and Mission District. Anyone who says its disrespectful for the city is just trying to be condescending to the person that used the word.


Real San Franciscan: "Man, Frisco is hella tight."
Fake San Franciscan: "Frisco? you must not be from here you retard. Nobody from San Francisco calls it Frisco."

Every other real San Franciscan in the area then beats the fake guy down.

by Matarazzi December 4, 2010

643๐Ÿ‘ 525๐Ÿ‘Ž


improper way to abbreviate San Francisco and a sure way to let someone know you aren't from there or spent any real time there.

2 fugitives hiding out under a bridge in The City got caught by police when asked where are they from and one responded "Frisco". The cop stated that "no one in The City calls it Frisco".

by Mr Wall December 31, 2005

916๐Ÿ‘ 794๐Ÿ‘Ž


A city in Texas right outside of Dallas. Big houses and a lovely mall. Five star school district and amazing library. Go anywhere else and say you're from "Frisco" be sure to clarify that you meant Frisco, Texas. Not the ghetto slang for San Francisco.

Bob of LA California: where you from, bro?
You: Frisco.
Bob of LA California: *bitch slaps* how dare you disrespect the city like that!
You: -_- i meant Frisco, Texas, bro.

by Amy Jones <--real name xD March 5, 2011

132๐Ÿ‘ 108๐Ÿ‘Ž


How real frisco niggas call san francisco.
Only people really from the city call it this. Some people born here wont call it frisco but they suckas not with wit the program.

Aye bluhd we just hit the field we on the way back to frisco roll up a wood nigga

by $TakingChances$ July 22, 2019

39๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž


An abominable way to refer to the city of San Francisco. It disrespects the entire city and should not be uttered by anyone, as by decree of Emperor Norton I.

Whoever after due and proper warning shall be heard to utter the abominable word "Frisco", which has no linguistic or other warrant, shall be deemed guilty of a High Misdemeanor, and shall pay into the Imperial Treasury as penalty the sum of twenty-five dollars.

by BrainToad September 1, 2005

535๐Ÿ‘ 553๐Ÿ‘Ž