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fu><0red is the third and most extreme use of fucked. When something is beyond repair or utterly destroyed, the it is fu><0red. Invented or at least made popular by a one Travis Butchart, this defintion has spread through Western Canada and Northern parts of the U.S.

fu><0red can be spelled "fu><0red" or "fu><ored". The >< acts as an extreme and harsh sounding X.

My monitor is fu><0red. Translation: My monitor is smashed and so fucked up, I have a zero chance at repairing it. It should be thrown in the garbage.

by Charles F. Gray April 27, 2004

27👍 15👎


leet speak version of 'fucked'

He's fuxored :o

by loki goes rawr April 28, 2004

11👍 12👎