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fucked off

To be extremely annoyed

I'm proper fucked off about that car killing my cat

by F4g July 17, 2003

163๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

A term used to describe anything that is not right, broken, not going well, messed up, or basically anything that you just generally do not agree with.

Overused to epic tweaker proportions in 'the scene', it can be used multiple times in a single sentence and have legitimate need for its use each time.

If said more than once in a conversation is a dead giveaway that someone hits the choad pipe on the reg.

Smoker: Last night was soo fucked off man listen to this: so after you left, me and your fucked off girlfriend were walking to the club and as i pulled out that rig a cig that i broke earlier and had to mc gyver...
General Nuisance: uh huh
Smoker: my fucking brand new piece hitched a ride and came flying out my pocket and bounced off the sidewalk into a total fucked off mess right in front of that block monster with the cloudy eye thats always scanning at 45 degrees.
Nuisance: That dude is so fucked off. One time his eye scanned me when I was almost standing behind him. Creeped me the fuck out. hella bad.

Smoker: Stop saying hella so much. But ya the club was hella fucked off so your girl pulled me back to her crib and got me g'd up and lookin to meet up lol.

Nuisance: Then what she blew you!
Smoker: No way dude we wouldn't do that! Thats fucked off that you would even say that!

Nuisance: I'm sorry
Smoker: You should be cos I'm not some fucked off twacker who would just up and put my dick in her mouth. But damn that girl can fuck
Nuisance: Hella fucked off
Smoker: I'm sorry

by Seatthell August 22, 2011

81๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

1) To be annoyed to the extreme (pretty much = pissed off but helps you express it more strongly!)

2) To leave somewhere, occasionally with the connotation that you left abruptly, earlier than expected, rudely, or whilst you were annoyed.

1) "Mate, some cunt's stolen my car! I'm severely fucked off!"

2) "He turned up about 8 and I thought he was going to stay all night but he fucked off about 10!"

"I dunno what happened, she turned up but only stayed for about half an hour then fucked off again"

"He fucked off without even saying bye! I'm really upset"

by carlypussycat March 13, 2008

82๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

IN BRIEF: Hurt or killed, negatively dealt with or handled the ward way.

Why good people with good intentions ends up the one fucked off?

by Mr. Terrence L. Trezvant March 22, 2009

44๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

The feeling you get when the guy your sharing a flat with sleeps with the girl you are in love with and then acts like his balls are made of platinum.

Im so fucking fucked off imgoing to fucking shit in your mouth while you are fucking sleeping and then eat your fucking childhood pet you fucking c*nt.

by strongbow steve October 22, 2006

50๐Ÿ‘ 41๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

1.This is when a person rudely leaves; leaving another person angry that they did so.
2. To leave abruptly or to sneak away without your friends knowing
3. To not know where a person went.
4. Derived from the common terms "took off" or "take off"

"Hey, it wasn't my fault. You guys all fucked off!"
"You fucked off in a hurry..."
"Where did you fuck off to?"
"I was going to ask him but he fucked off before i got the chance!"

by 68IOU1 November 25, 2009

23๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

fucked off

Fucked off - to stop paying attention to somebody .

I got fucked off by my boyfriend today when he was paying more attention to his friend Alissa.

Disregard, dismiss, fuck, unfair, harsh, vulgar nasty

by lbcgurl April 19, 2015

8๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž